The life of a 3 year old

august 3rb day roundup-29.jpg


Says August.

Our sweet little Gusto turns 3 today. While his birthday celebration is looking farrrrrr different from what we had hoped, all we really need is him to feel loved and celebrated on this day.

This year is the first year he has realized that a birthday is something to look forward to and celebrate. Ever since his friend had us over for his 4th birthday celebration, August has been talking about birthdays. If you are around he will most likely tell you “Im two, Im going to be free soon.” I don’t think he really knows what a party would have been like, I doubt he really remembers his 1st, or 2nd birthday parties - but I think he would have been psyched.

This is one special boy, and Im fine saying that and having eyes rolled - Im his mama so Im saying it! He is such a lover and observer. He will be shy but so engaged. When we get him from bed in the morning, he (sometimes) invites us to lay down, will tuck us in, and look at the stars that are projected on his ceiling. He offers one of his inventoried stuffed animals if you are lucky. He will ALWAYS ask you to read a book, or two, or three, and as a teacher it is hard to ever cut off a child when they are so excited to read a book. He will cycle between 3 new favs about every week or so, once we have read them to exhaustion.

August does not watch tv (yet?) but of course is very intrigued. We play random music for him through youtube and he is obsessed with catching a glimpse of video. Right now his top music requests are: German Yodeling Videos, Pitbull, Book of Mormon, Tijuana Taxi, Moana (no he hasn’t seen the movie), and Beatles. He makes it clear that he would rather mama did not sing and dance though, I don’t think Im that unbearable - I will write it off as him needing some control.

I glow when he tells me “Im excited!” with a winning grin on his face, and usually it’s over something that seems so minimal, like getting to wear rain boots, or having raisins for a snack rather than a cucumber. He has taken telling us “I need steak and rice” when he gets hungry around dinner time. Also he frequently reminds us “It’s not a problem” when he helps us out with something. If he was allowed to vacuum the house all day you bet your buns he would, and has become great at pointing out when he is being patient.

There are so many things I could share with you about August, including his stubborn side, and how we can’t wait until it is warm out so we don’t have the winter gear battle every time we want to go outside. I want to share mostly how he tells us who he loves before bed, sometimes that includes puddles if he got to play in some that day. I love how he requests “so fast” running hugs with Steve before he leaves for work. And how August always wants to open Hugo’s door to get him from his naps.

August’s life has changed so drastically in the last year. 2 weeks after he turned two he also became a big brother. He stopped being able to visit his extended family as much (2+ no longer flies for free). He has been through two MAJOR home construction projects, one which has had us mostly living in an air bnb. School has stopped, for all of us :( He’s found a fierce love of the beach, and things in nature. He is still living for that 2-3 hour afternoon nap, and I let him try a piece of chocolate last week (“Yummy in my tummy”).

I can’t believe the little nugget who wasn’t interested in joining us on his due date, or when his mom was DEEP in labor is 3. With energy through the roof, the sweetest little voice, and unregulated curiosity he goes out to conquer his days. If you ask him his name he will pretty much always say “mama,” mostly because he is rolling into being a sassy threenager and finds himself HILARIOUS.

As I have been thinking more about what I want to say the past week, there is so much I would love to share about August, I could write a book. But here are some of my fav photos of him from the past year, when I had the moment to take out my camera. No, I won’t share the thousands from my phone - there are thousands. (I think in chronological order starting with his 2nd b day)

If you see us passing by - feel free to give us a happy birthday yell from 6 feet away, he will try to walk up to you anyways.

Also, I love this hilarious little nut so much I can’t even take it.


Trying to get to know this lady? Read on below!